Burn Pile Alternative

Anyone with acreage knows property maintenance is a never ending project. Common practice for getting rid of unwanted brush, weeds etc. can be to cut and push the unwanted material into a pile and either burn or haul the material away. Hauling the material away can prove to be expensive, time consuming, and very wasteful; and burning is only allowed during certain times of the year due to fire hazards.  Wilderness Forestry Inc. has a better solution, we mulch the brush, limbs etc. with a masticating head.

The benefits of mastication are: the piles can me mulched onsite, the masticated material will be left for ground cover which is an excellent deterrent for dust, soil erosion, and leaves a great bed for new growth.  The masticated material is not fine chipped mulch like a chipper creates; it is a natural, forest floor mulch. You are free to use the mulch all around the property and there is no need to call a materials supplier for mulch.  Your property is a never ending supply of good, natural, nutrient rich mulch and with a masticating attachment your property could become not only defensible from fire but have a park like aesthetic. As you can see from the picture below, the large pile can be turned into nice natural mulch in just a matter of hours. The mulch you see below will be gone over a few more times in order to achieve a finer product.